“The experience of Sacred Space makes possible the founding of the world: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, the world comes into existence.” Mircea Eliade
The cathedral in Leon is breathtakingly beautiful. It was begun in the 12th century and completed in the early 15th century - with 1800 square meters of stained glass windows! It was consecrated under the name of the Virgin Mary and is also called Santa Maria de Leon Cathedral.
It is situated in a plaza with enough space around it to really be able to behold its splendor and beauty.
It is hard to compare the kind of dedication, commitment, faith, and vision that went into the building of this cathedral with anything being built today. And the strange experience of walking through so many industrial areas has me pondering what it is that we 21st century people hold most sacred.
I wandered around the cathedral (which is also a museum) for a long time, finding my way to a chapel devoted to the Sorrowful mother.
On the altar a statue of Mary holding the crucified body of her Son. I sat there reflecting on the power of this image - this moment of complete and utter loss - after all of the auspicious beginnings, the portents, Jesus’ ministry and teaching - to end like this in a cruel death… Could she have known about the resurrection? I tend to think not.
And as I sat there I wondered if this church/museum held mass or was it all just for show. And just then a man came into the chapel to set up for a service! And I was able to attend another Spanish mass - just like that!
Peace and Love from San Martin del Camino
Amazing cathedral! And mass… how wonderful!