Thank you. ❤️ Merry

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I am so happy for you Peeka!! Congratulations on such an amazing life achievement!!!! I love the photo of you!!!! Safe travels home!! I know your family and your dog will be thrilled on your return!! Love and hugs!!! XOXOXO

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Congratulations Peeka! What an achievement! <3 <3 You have such strength.

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So moved by this journey and this picture of you, Peeka. Sending love and congratulatory hugs! ❤️

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Congratulations Peeka - I am simply in awe by this journey (both the journey in itself to reach the intended destination) and the profound journey you went through internally. What a remarkable feat. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights with us. I am amazed as always by you and send you much much love 💖💖💖💖 Isabelle

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I am so proud of you!! Enjoy a couple days if rest and deep sleep!! Can’t wait to see all the pics and hear more stories! We missed you! ❤️❤️

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So proud of you!! Can’t wait to hear more (when you’re ready) and see the pics. Relax and have a couple nights of wonderful sleep ❤️❤️🎉

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Yikes I am crying too. So proud of you. Thanks for sharing this remarkable journey with us.

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Congratulations on achieving your goal.

Clearly a blessed journey.

Janet Wilson

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Oh Peeka! I’m crying reading and seeing you with your certificate of completing the Camino. How wonderful and powerfully moving-I’m with you vicariously❤️🙏Goddess bless you and this experience!

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You are GLOWING! Congratulations!

Now REST! Xx

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wow. that's all. just wow.

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This is the correct li k to 500 miles. Joan Baez also did an exquisite version. The previous li k is a “tribute band.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UJmbn1sQw2A&pp=ygUdNTAwIG1pbGVzIHBldGVyIHBhdWwgYW5kIG1hcnk%3D

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Thank you for sharing your remarkable journey and adventure with us. Your insights have been have been soulful, honest and therefore, very inspiring. Thank you for bringing us along on your 500 miles. Just recalled the great song with this title performed by Peter, Paul and Mary.

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Wow, I can’t believe it’s finished, and so quick! What an incredible accomplishment; congratulations!! I hope you’ll continue to share as you digest everything, as I’m sure that, even though the 500 miles is over, the journey is not.

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